Friday, January 4, 2013

It is all about talking...and sharing...

It all started with writing my cousin Purnima's wedding diaries, about 8 weeks ago…Meandering though the various events in the week long wedding, and preparations earlier,…I realized, I could actually reach out to people…I could write!…I could hold somebody’s attention! 6250 page views in 4 weeks was a good statistic!!…With the last post of the diaries published, I was free! and could move on to the nextfun project.…Some of the readers didn’t think so, and they wanted more posts…Chalo bhai,  the wedding diaries obviously cannot continue forever, but the take was ‘write’…write something, because they loved to read...Was I surprised that I could write…‘Yes’,…as I have always been a talker, I can talk and talk and talk!!…I really love to talk! Am I unique?...nah…most of my family and friends are blessed with this talking gene!…Dinners at home in Mumbai was always a talking and eating session…we would discuss about school, teachers, exams, politics, my amma (mom) would talk about the servant and how careless she is, in her cleaning…The talking continued as I grew up…every year, without fail for 10 years, I received the ‘Most talkative person’ award…that’s commendable, right…(wink). This gene didn’t mutilate, when I started to work...except for becoming judicious in what to talk. I sincerely believe talking helps…there is a lot of sharing that takes place in a conversation…good, bad and ugly…sharing one’s own experiences and learning from others, practicing your analytical skills…it is a calming therapy to ‘get it off one’s chest’, as they say…and a rejoicing session when there is something to celebrate or be happy about…
In the last couple of weeks, as the world prepared to bid goodbye to 2012 and usher in the New Year, the ghastly incident of the gang rape of the 23 year old doctor in New Delhi hit the headlines all round the world. The young lady succumbed to her injuries…but left behind a nation helpless and in introspection…Why did this gruesome act occur?…what made those 6 men behave like animals? If the law was/is made stringent, can these terrifying acts be wiped out completely?...and this was what we – Shanti (my cousin) and I discussed the other day…long conversations with no straight answers…lots of thoughts shared…opinions voiced and argued…and at the end of the session, we felt a little better more calmer, …blessed that we were safe…and then, we realized,  we wanted to share our thoughts…our experiences…listen to people…read what they have to say about this incident and many other things that we experience as we traverse through the mundane activities that color our lives…and that is how this blog came about…a place where we as friends and soul sisters, can talk and voice our thoughts, experiences and listen to others share theirs…
So in the next couple of days, weeks, months...Pls join us as we talk and share about things in general - the society we live in, travel, food, cooking, art, crafts, traditions,...lots to talk and share, right...(smile).
You will see many different people putting out the posts on this blog,...and if you are my friend on Facebook, you will recognise many a name...(smile). Feel free to share your opinions and comment on the posts...
Ciao and have a fabulous day...


  1. WOWEEEE! welcome to blogging dear. Yes when u can talk so much you need to talk to us who are far and out. Lovely Anpu! Looking forward to more stories and fun stuff from you. I see that there is another Shanthi associated with you as contributor :-). Good Luck!

    1. Hey Shanti...yes, had to comeback, could no longe resist. You know what, when you are done with the New year parties,...lets have a long call and talk...but cherish all our impromtu skype and FB chats.
      The other Shanti is my cousin...:-)...another multitalented,software Engineer with some great aesthetic sense...Guess, all Shanti's are awesome gals...

  2. Great Anpu I have a lot to share you know my talk with you I will add it in a bit . I was also reading some articles and some stuff doesn't still gel with mind set . The society we live in there is a huge pot of ideas knowledge & black & white colors how they set in our lives what we followed what we tend to get inclined all this is great to drop into the ocean of thoughts
    I will add my two cents abt these things soon
    Happy new year !!! To all the readers of this blog !!

    1. my enthu cutlet true...take your hurries

    2. Yes Anpu I will add my thoughts one thing for sure somewhere I believe I have seen both worlds and there is a time when ideas and thoughts should be poured in and opinions what matters to one should be exchanged
      We are in a super sonic world and with the age of technology our minds grasp a lot we wish to share

  3. Dear Anpu
    What a great outlet for all your friends. Many times we all wonder where we can share some feelings and emotions that are bubbling inside of us. Thank you. Will come back with my thoughts. Duty calls right now.


    1. Yes Mytri...string those thoughts together and post the same...Looking fwd to reading and sharing those experiences

  4. A great initiative Anpu. All the very best. hugs ANU

    1. Thanks Anu...your blog was the first that i wrote to and showcased those cards...:-)...It is addictive...

  5. Good luck, Anpu! You bet I will follow you through your blogging journey.;)

    1. Follow and put forth your view...really looking fwd to it...

  6. A great start Anpu...was waiting for this and was so thrilled to see the we will have so many interesting reads and best we all get to participate :)
    A couple of thoughts already hovering ...

    1. Yes...lots to share right...:-) I am so glad we all came together...:-)

  7. It is almost the same as meeting and sharing live, great strategy Anpu, look fwd to the posts!

  8. So true Padmaja...sharing experiences and thoughts is so interactive...and I have truly met some awesome people ( you included), via the talk mode...:-)
